国立広島・長崎原爆死没者追悼平和祈念館 平和情報ネットワーク GLOBAL NETWORK JapaneaseEnglish
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[Video testimonial]

[Narrated account]


[Video testimonial]
Name Gender Age at time of bombing Location at time of bombing Distance from the bombing hypocenter Dubbed in Indonesian/
With Indonesian subtitles
NAKAZAWA Keiji Male 6 Hiroshima 1.2km With Indonesian subtitles
ORIMEN Shigeko Female 37 Hiroshima Dubbed in Indonesian
NUMATA Suzuko Female 22 Hiroshima 1.3km With Indonesian subtitles
SASAKI Shigeo Male 30 Hiroshima With Indonesian subtitles
TSUBOI Sunao Male 20 Hiroshima 1.2km With Indonesian subtitles
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Copyright(c) Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims
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