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Hall site: Hiroshima・Nagasaki・Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum 169results were found (Showing results 21~40)
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No. Name Gender Age at time of bombing Location at time of bombing Distance from the bombing hypocenter Dubbed in English/With English subtitles
21 KIKUNO Kazuko Female 79 Nagasaki 0.7km Dubbed in English
22 MATSUMOTO Sunao Male 22 Nagasaki 1.2km Dubbed in English
23 THURLOW Setsuko Female 13 Hiroshima 1.8km With English subtitles
24 HAMA Kyoko Female 19 Hiroshima 1.0km
25 RUMMEL KOMURA Sachi Female 8 Hiroshima 3.5km With English subtitles
26 YAMADA Kazumi Male 12 Nagasaki 2.3km Dubbed in English
27 SASAMORI Shigeko Female 13 Hiroshima 1.5km With English subtitles
28 MORITA Takashi Male 21 Hiroshima 1.5km With English subtitles
29 AOKI Shigeru Male 20 Nagasaki 2.2km With English subtitles
30 IMORI Kiyoko Female 11 Hiroshima 0.3km With English subtitles
31 IDANI Shuichi Male 16 Hiroshima 1.0km With English subtitles
32 TERASAWA Shigeru Male 18 Hiroshima With English subtitles
33 KUBO Mitsue Female 16 Nagasaki 1.4km With English subtitles
34 SUMIDA Toshinobu Male 5 Hiroshima 2.5km
35 YONEDA Chiyono Female 18 Nagasaki 1.0km With English subtitles
36 KIM Iljo Female 16 Hiroshima 3.0km With English subtitles
37 HIWATASHI Hidetoshi Male 15 Nagasaki 1.5km Dubbed in English
38 NAKASHIMA Yasumori Male 12 Nagasaki 3.2km Dubbed in English
39 HIROSE Masahito Male 15 Nagasaki 4.8km Dubbed in English
40 WATANABE Tsukasa Male 13 Nagasaki 1.5km Dubbed in English
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*Many more memoirs can be viewed at both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Memorial Halls.
*These contents are updated periodically.
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Copyright(c) Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims
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