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Hall site: Hiroshima・Nagasaki・Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum 169results were found (Showing results 161~169)
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No. Name Gender Age at time of bombing Location at time of bombing Distance from the bombing hypocenter Dubbed in English/With English subtitles
161 YAMAGUCHI Senji Male 14 Nagasaki 1.3km Dubbed in English
162 NAGANO Etsuko Female 16 Nagasaki 2.8km Dubbed in English
163 TANIGUCHI Sumiteru Male 16 Nagasaki 1.8km Dubbed in English
164 SHIMOHIRA Sakue Female 10 Nagasaki 0.8km Dubbed in English
165 MATSUNO Hideo Male 28 Nagasaki 2.7km Dubbed in English
166 HAYASHI Chujitsu Male 26 Nagasaki 0.7km Dubbed in English
167 TSUTSUI Kayano Female 3 Nagasaki 3.0km Dubbed in English
168 TSUCHIYAMA Hideo Male 20 Nagasaki Dubbed in English
169 CHA Jeongsul Male 15 Hiroshima 2.0km Dubbed in English
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*Many more memoirs can be viewed at both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Memorial Halls.
*These contents are updated periodically.
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Copyright(c) Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims
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